Prostate cancer develops in the prostate glands. The small gland found in men produces the fluid and nourishes the sperm. Prostate cancer can only be found in men. This is the most common type of cancer and spreads slowly to the other parts of the body.
Causes of Prostate Cancer
There is no clear reason found for how prostate cancer begins. It is because of mutation that leads to multiplying the cells rapidly and living for a much more extended period. This tumour grows and invades nearby tissues. These cells can spread to the other parts of the body. Some prostate cancer develops slowly in the body and requires no treatment. But at a certain time, prostate cancer spreads fast in the body.
Risk Factors of Prostate Cancer
The following are the reasons that increase the chance of prostate cancer:
- Race: Prostate cancer is increasingly spread among black men instead of other races. The reason is not clarified, and science has yet to understand the reason behind this. It should be noted that black men are more diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer, and it increasingly spreads faster in the body.
- Age: Age is the common factor that leads to prostate cancer. The older you get, your chances of having cancer increase.
- Obesity: A person who is obese has a higher chance of getting prostate cancer than others.
- Genetics: The chances of getting prostate cancer are higher if you have a family history. Also, if your family is diagnosed with breast cancer, then the chances are higher of developing prostate cancer in the next generation.
Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer doesn’t show the symptoms at an early stage. Following are the symptoms of prostate cancer that can be further advanced:
- Pain in bones
- Erectile dysfunction
- Problem while urinating
- Decreased force in urine
- Feeling discomfort in the pelvic area
- Blood in semen
Symptoms of Advanced Prostate Cancer
- Feeling pain in the hips, back or bones and shoulder is a sign that cancer is beginning to spread in the body
- The clear and most important sign that cancer is spreading in the body is when you feel continuously fatigued.
- A sudden weight loss can be a sign of spreading cancer in the body.
- You can see changes in the routine bowel movements when the cancer is beginning to spread.
How Prostate Cancer is Diagnosed?
- Cat scan
- Digital Rectal Exam (DRE)
- Prostate Ultrasound
- Cystoscopy or bladder scope test
- (PSA) Prostate-specific- Antigen Blood Test
Treatment of Prostate Cancer
There is no need for immediate treatment if a man is diagnosed at lower risk. Following the rectal exam, blood tests and biopsies will be done. This helps your doctor to keep track of your cancer development. If these exams show that your cancer is developing, your doctor might change your treatment approach and shift to radiation or surgery.
- Surgery: In prostate cancer surgery, there is removal of the prostate gland with some tissues and some lymph nodes.
- Radiation: There are two types of radiation:
- External Beam Radiation: In this procedure, radiation is given from outside the body.
- Brachytherapy: In prostate tissue, tiny radioactive seeds are placed. These seeds give radiation from within the body. The body delivers a small dose of radiation for a long period of time.
- Hormone Therapy: This therapy can stop the production of testosterone because the growth of cells relies on this hormone. Stopping production might decrease the growth of the cancer cell or cause it to die. The options for hormone therapy are:
- Orchiectomy
- Medicines that help to stop the production of testosterone in your body
- Medicines that block the testosterone from reaching to the cancer cells
- Cryosurgery helps to freeze the tissue to kill cancer cells.
- Chemotherapy: This is also the other treatment option that can help to cure prostate cancer. Additionally, it can also be the best option when the cancer doesn’t respond to the hormone therapy.
Prostate cancer can be treated easily. The cancer spreads slowly in the body, and if diagnosed on time, it can be cured with the help of treatment. If you see any symptoms, such as erectile dysfunction, then you can consult a professional doctor and get proper guidance At Khosla Stone Kidney and Surgical Centre, you can find the best treatment solutions for your problem. We have a team that provides you with top-notch services and quickly responds to those who need medical attention.